UP237 - McDonald's Savanorių pr. 321A

Short-term parking for restaurant visitors only

uniPark parking lot by the McDonald's restaurant. One hour parking is free for visitors, when car number is entered into a table inside the restaurant. If not entered or exceeding the free parking time, a fine of 30 (thirty) Eur is issued.


1 h.free when car number entered into a tablet inside McDonalds
1 h.10.00 Eur
if rules violated, fine issued30.00 Eur
price calculated at hourly rate

Payment options

Payment can only be made by a payment card at the parking meter located in the lot.
Prisiparkavus aikštelėje reikia nedelsiant aktyvuoti parkavimą, o išvažiuojant – išjungti parkavimo paslaugą.
Atsisiųskite UNIPARK programėlę.
If you have an actual parking contract with UNIPARK, download the mobile app and choose the payment method "Payment using contract".
The instructions show how to pay for services using the app if you have an actual parking contract.
Don't have an actual parking contract? Sign online at the touch of a few buttons!