UP088 - Vilnius Outlet P1 - P2

Short-term parking

UNIPARK parking lot at V. Pociūno st. 8, Vilnius. Parking lot is near Vilnius Outlet shopping center.

When you enter the parking lot, the vehicle's license plate is scanned, and the free time specified for the parking lot begins to count. The paid rate starts to apply after the free time expires. There is no need to activate parking or set the duration of the stay. Payment for parking is required only before leaving the parking lot.

Parking is charged 24/7. You can pay for parking in the parking lot using the UNIPARK app, at the on-site pay station, or through the actual parking contract with UNIPARK.


first four hours free
1 h. 1.00 Eur
free time is summed up
EV charge The prices are listed in UNIPARK APP
Price calculated at hourly rate

Payment options

You can pay at the pay station in cash or by bank card.
When you enter the parking lot, the licence plate number is scanned and parking starts automatically on the UNIPARK mobile app. You don’t need to choose a parking zone or set the duration of your parking, as the parking system identifies them for you, all you have to do is pay before you leave.
Download the UNIPARK app.
If you have an actual parking contract with UNIPARK, download the mobile app and choose the payment method ""Payment using contract"".
The instructions show how to pay for services using the app if you have an actual parking contract.
Don't have an actual parking contract? Sign online at the touch of a few buttons!