UP094 - Juozapavičiaus g. 6 - 2
Short-term parking, EV charge
Start parking with gliding the „P“ button. In order to stop, press STOP button
uniPark parking lot, address A. Juozapavičiaus str. 6, Vilnius, is in a great location for IBC business center and Holiday Inn guests and employees. Payment is possible via app, SMS or by signing a contract with uniPark. Monthly memberships available.
Payment options
Send text message to the number 1332 (Telia, Tele2, Bite)
Instead of UNP000 enter your car’s registration number.
• To know the amount payable:
U UNP000
• To pay for parking:
U Stop UNP000
After stoping the service, please wait for confirmation. .
Service order/stop fee is applied, contact service provider for fee price. .
Do not have a contract? Sign a contract with uniPark within a few steps!